Management vs. Leadership
Discover the critical balance between management and leadership in Kimberly Kleiman-Lee's latest blog post, "You Had One Job…Oh Wait, Actually…You Had TWO." Explore how skillful management drives productivity and efficient operations while impactful leadership fosters employee engagement and innovation. Learn strategies to harmonize these roles for cost reduction, quality improvement, and enhanced organizational success. Dive into the essential functions of both management and leadership, and understand how mastering both can set you apart in your career.

How do you know when you're done?
I know there are rules to follow. There are a LOT of rules in a triathlon. You must wear the swim cap you are given on race day. Your bib number must be displayed during the run and in the front. Helmets must be fastened on your head before you touch your bike. Those who know me, know that I think most rules are merely suggestions. This will be a lesson for me.