Do I Dare? Podcast
Kimberly Kleiman-Lee is an Executive Coach and Performance Consultant who believes that humans are the most interesting part of work and deserve to be led in a way that moves the needle and scales the impact for their organization. The Do I Dare? Podcast is for those who believe in a leader in every chair. Explore today’s toughest leadership challenges and the innovative tools, techniques, and strategies that truly elevate performance. Redefine leadership …if you dare.
Leadership Refined
Meet Your Host
Kimberly Kleiman-Lee knows that humans are the most interesting part of work. She attributes any career success to her insatiable curiosity and voracious desire to learn about humans at work and in groups. She’s a pattern studier and tirelessly seeks innovative ways to develop leaders thrive.
She, like others, thinks the world is in the midst of a leadership crisis. Kimberly launched her consultancy to prepare more leaders for the world.
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Here’s A Word - Authentic
In today’s episode, KKL catches you up on what she’s been doing since her last podcast including a big announcement she shares with her listeners. As a special treat, she shares her top 10, er… 11 list of actions to take to get you a bit more time in 2024.
Mud Pies & Moonshots
As we look forward to 2022, goal planning is a priority for many of us. Whether we are focusing to grow personally or professionally, we need to consider the “mud” before we can reach for the moon. Join Kimberly to discuss mud pies and moonshots- the vital review of processes that will enable you to reach for new heights in 2022.
Grace and Gravitas: Executive Presence
When we think about the success of leaders, it’s fairly simple to quantify the characteristics and behaviors that indicate effectiveness. There is one more ambiguous component, however, and its one that is perhaps the most vital in the long-term success of a leader: executive presence. It’s easy to identify when it’s lacking but can be challenging to articulate what needs to be done to improve it.
Feel the Burn(out)
Humans have gone through a lot in the last two years. With the emergence of a pandemic and the continued need to adjust and adapt our version of “normal,” a secondary pandemic has come on scene: burnout. We all have a pandemic story, and as the demands of work and home-life continue to evolve, people are becoming exhausted in a big and damaging way. It’s time to start the conversation about how we’re doing, really, and understand how we can better care for ourselves, our families, and those we work with.
The Culture Edit
The call to action for leaders in the workplace is enormous, but it isn’t the only factor in determining the success and efficacy of a workplace. Workplace culture is just as important, if not more so; good leadership alone is not enough to offset the challenges of an undefined culture. While we are all well-versed in participating in cultures, understanding how to build and influence the culture of our workplace requires more finesse and attention. KKL will walk through the building blocks of culture and give clarity to the vital task of ensuring your company’s culture is giving way to the groundwork of success.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” – Peter Drucker
A Leader in Every Chair
Leadership is a philosophy, a mindset, a way of being. KKL attributes most of what she’s learned about Leadership to her time at GE. In this episode, Kimberly will share the top 5 ways you could be seen as a leader…regardless of your age, experience, place on the org chart or title. As always, Kimberly will close with some practical ways for you to grow your own leadership brand.
The Big QUIT
Have you heard of “The Big Quit”? Well, it's a thing and everybody's talking about it. Join Kimberly in this episode as she explains why more people are quitting their jobs than ever on recorded history. She'll unpack the key drivers, trends, and possibilities that await all of us regardless of which side of the argument we sit. As always, Kimberly will close with some practical ways for you to keep your employees (or yourself) engaged and employed.
The Only Meeting Template You’ll Ever Need
In this episode, Kimberly shares her scrappy but powerful meeting template that her clients are quickly adopting. This pragmatic tool will help you to construct meetings with outcomes... quite frankly what most meetings should strive for. Listen to this episode for all the things.... Agendas, attendees, actions, and archiving and more.