Management vs. Leadership
Discover the critical balance between management and leadership in Kimberly Kleiman-Lee's latest blog post, "You Had One Job…Oh Wait, Actually…You Had TWO." Explore how skillful management drives productivity and efficient operations while impactful leadership fosters employee engagement and innovation. Learn strategies to harmonize these roles for cost reduction, quality improvement, and enhanced organizational success. Dive into the essential functions of both management and leadership, and understand how mastering both can set you apart in your career.

Try Trust This Week
Trust! It's the #1 requested topic for the classes and webinars I teach. It's easy to lose and difficult to reclaim. Some offer it freely; others require you to earn it. Regardless of what you think about it ...without it... you're sunk. Work will take longer than necessary. Relationships will forever be on shaky ground. Your goals will be 1/2 achievable and rarely sustainable.

Courage: Let this be a year for courage. Let this be the year you take big swings and stop splashing in a puddle of your own making. Let this be the year you go against the grain, swim upstream, and face the giants. Let this be the year you do what's right not just what's easy or safe. Let this be the year you raise your standards, find your voice, and surround yourself with excellence. I want to help you make this year... THAT YEAR! Curious? Go to www.kimberlykleimanlee.com
for a sneak peak.

Earn Respect, Manage Negative Comments
We might say it quickly…more out of habit than with meaning. We might forget to say it and need to be reminded (like by our parents when we were younger.) We might think it, when in deep thought, and not share it aloud to those deserving of it. We might bury it, when troubled or facing incredible challenges. We might pray it when relieved or feeling Blessed.

The 2nd Starting Line
Your name and bib number are called over the loud speaker … ”Kimberly” not Norma was the announcer’s choice. Wise choice, Sir. Dr. Leslie gave me a big squeeze and I was instantly surrounded by my family. I chose Bob to present me with my completion metal. He looped it over my head and gave me a giant hug. He told me how proud he was of me…how much he loved me..blah..wonderful…blah. ..and of course, I wept. It was over. I did it. I just added ‘Triathlete’ to the list of titles I revere the most … ’Mrs.’, ‘Mom’, ‘Graduate’, etc.

How do you know when you're done?
I know there are rules to follow. There are a LOT of rules in a triathlon. You must wear the swim cap you are given on race day. Your bib number must be displayed during the run and in the front. Helmets must be fastened on your head before you touch your bike. Those who know me, know that I think most rules are merely suggestions. This will be a lesson for me.

Big, Fat, Failure
Here’s the thing…I hate to fail. Don’t get me wrong, I make mistakes all the time…parenting teenagers, recalling song lyrics, age-appropriate outfit choices, etc. I tend to study, plan, and practice so as to avoid failing whenever possible. That has worked for me for decades… until now.

Victory Lap
A whistle was blown and Mermaids and Bass alike went for it. I was the last person in the water… behind those less skilled, but much braver than me for sure. Someone shouted out “Let’s go!” with such a fervor that I freestyled forward like a petulant horse motivated to giddyap by a slap to her ass. I’d find out later that I launched into the lake so fast, that I left both of my Angels in my greenish-yellowish wake.

Far From the Shallow Now...
I can do this. I progressed from barely being able to swim one length of the pool to being able to swim the entire 400 meters required for the triathlon. No one is more shocked than me and my 3 teenage children. Practice 2-3 times per week for 10 weeks, an arsenal of swim boards, swim drills, atta-girls, and sheer determination made this so. Trust the process I did.

This is Mental!
I’ve decided that prepping for a triathlon is 80% mental and 20% physical. When it comes to a physical challenge, your body can adjust to just about anything you ask it to do and strengthens over time with practice. It is an amazing machine. The brain, another amazing machine, is the tougher put for me.

A Lesson in Customer Obsession: Airbnb and the Giraffe Stand
One of my fondest memories from that visit came in the form of a small corner space across from a large area filled with Millennials hard at work. The space was called “The Giraffe Stand” and contained two simple desks with an assortment of stationery, envelopes, and stamps. The surrounding walls displayed framed quotes about gratitude and pictures of giraffes.

Satan Invented Swimming
Growing up, I thought I knew how to swim. In reality, I knew how to float and tan. In my adulthood, I would add ‘drink’ to that summertime skillset. I don’t ever remember wearing goggles outside of Shop class in middle school. With no donut with drink holes in sight, I now need to figure out how I’m going to swim ¼ of a mile in this triathlon.

You Gotta Tri
I’ve participated in many amazing things in my shortish life, but I must say, my latest endeavor is probably one of the coolest (and scariest). I’ve decided to document this journey as it is quickly becoming a learning experience that seems too juicy to keep to myself. Follow my blogs for the next few weeks if a hearty laugh and a dose of inspiration is in need.

Get Good at Change. Make Way for Magnificence.
Trust me on this, I wasn’t always comfortable with change. Today is the slowest and least risky life is going to be for any of us. We don’t have the luxury of waiting for options, stalling for 2nd chances, or hoping for handouts that are in short supply. Basically, we have a change quandary: change or be changed. When faced with the choice, I almost always side with ‘change.’